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Re: Job

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2021 9:31 am
by Working Mum
Guest wrote: Tue Oct 26, 2021 2:34 pm
Novbaby31 wrote: Tue Oct 26, 2021 1:40 pm You write a resignation letter saying you are resigning with xx notice. Thank them for their support during your time there and if you like that you have enjoyed your time with them. And sign your name.

Then if they ask why - you are taking some time to focus on completing college and explore new opportunities. And that is it. No other reason needed. They don’t have to believe you, you don’t have to mean it.
Best piece of advice ever given.

Best of luck!

Re: Job

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2021 9:41 am
by tea
They want you to sleep on it because turnover is so high and they know you're good.
No job is worth that. It doesn't sound like there is even one redeeming quality, and you can afford to leave.
- you're financially worse off
- they don't give time off for sick kids; there is no flexibility
- you're receiving abuse on a daily basis
- you're working your best and still being harangued to do more
You're probably feeling like you "owe" them something, I know that feeling. They're an inanimate object and are the cause of you wanting to leave due to the poor environment.
You owe them nothing. You worked and were paid.

Dear John,
I herewith wish to give notice that I intend to leave my employment with Scabby Limited.
I will work the required notice period of x weeks and my last date will be x.
Many thanks for the opportunity of working with Scabby Ltd
Kind regards
Yours sincerely

Re: Job

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2021 9:46 am
by RedHen
Tickle81 wrote: Tue Oct 26, 2021 1:19 pm I only work part time but we are financially worse off since I started working.
Then there's no point continuing in the job as it's not leading into an area where you want to work.

When you're finished your course and applying for jobs again, you can explain that you left this job to concentrate fully on college.

Re: Job

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2021 9:51 am
by Sally
Did you quit verbally yesterday or by written notice?
Easier for them to engage in a discussion if you do it verbally.
Just send an email now saying

Dear Managet

as discussed yesterday I am giving notice that I will finish work on XYZ date.

Many thanks for the opportunity and I wish the team all the best in the future


If someone calls you, just keep saying thing like
“I’ve my mind made up”
“I appreciate you giving me more time but I’ve already put a lot of thought into it”
“Why? Oh it just doesn’t suit the famil and my studies”
“As I said, I’ve my mind made up”

And that’s it.
Be pleasant, be nice, but be firm!

Good luck

Re: Job

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2021 9:52 am
by Jumping Bean
Don’t let them pressure you into staying. Give your written notice today with the date you intend to finish up. They will try talk you out of it again but stick to the plan.

Best of luck!